Review of Language of God

I finished a great book call "The Language of God" by Francis S. Collins the head of the human genome project. This was a book that mainly describes the authors view of theistic evolution (not intelligent design) or as he calls it biologos. His views are probably the closest to mine. He also gives some compelling arguments against things that Dawkins has said, and how Dawkins thinks he owns Darwin. More that those arguments, his argument against creationism and the AIG group is pointed and witty. This book may not be for the evangelistic atheist (see below post) but it was a good read for one who knows that it is stupid to place science and faith against each other. I, like Collins, see science as a way to bring more awe to my understanding of God, and my faith is a driving force to encourage science as well as the amazing mind for discovery that mankind has.

Also there are tons of links in this. For some reason Jeph does not have them highlighted, but run your cursor over this and find the many places I take you.


Jeph Porter says
March 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM

i'll see what I can about the link thing, it probably has something to do with my god-hating thing (shurgs shoulders)