Rick Warren vs. Daniel Dennett

I'm a big fan of the TED talks there are some amazing talks on here on a variety of subjects and if you haven't taken the time to view some of them, do yourself a favor and indulge. I found these two videos particularly neat. Rick Warren is of course the evangelist and preacher who wrote the monumentally famous The Purpose Driven Life here's his full bio on TED. He makes some interesting points in the talk and I can see why he's a compelling speaker and an inspiration to many modern Christians.

But Daniel Dennett, an outspoken atheist and humanist, seemed to find fault in what Pastor Warren had to say and challenged him in his response talk. I find it very interesting, and tend to agree with Dennett. I wonder what you think?


blopez says
June 27, 2013 at 3:17 PM

i listened to both talks and i definitely believe that most of the quotes dennett was taking from warren were not pursued in their truest factual form. Darren did not really have a chance to explain himself. this is actually how i came upon this blog post. I wanted to see a response. a lot of the quotes were taken out and not truly dissected. also, the discussion about "the devil" speaking was narrowed down. It's not about not allowing dialogue or discussion about different religions (which i fully endorse btw). This phrase, at least the way i saw it was more about not arguing with someone who has made up their mind. there are proverbs on this same subject.

I agree with what he said we cant say good without God = 0. the truth is that we must ask ourselves why we desire to do this "good" in the first place. why do we have a moral compass?