If that doesn't put the baby to bed...

NEXUS Magazine: Forged Origins of Christianity.

Quite a read actually. Lots of sources and well put.

What the Church doesn't want you to know
It has often been emphasised that Christianity is unlike any other religion, for it stands or falls by certain events which are alleged to have occurred during a short period of time some 20 centuries ago. Those stories are presented in the New Testament, and as new evidence is revealed it will become clear that they do not represent historical realities. The Church agrees, saying:
"Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted."
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)

Seriously, read the rest. In the words of Borat: Very Nice!



I was trying to find a youtube clip of eddie izzard speaking very relevantly of this. To paraphrase, it's hard to intellectually support something which had its foundations laid before anyone had to prove anything they said. Aristotle could say "oh, well the sun revolves around the earth," and everyone goes "hm... good show! well done!"

This idea was always a problem for me, even when I called myself a christian.