I just want to note that fact that he said nothing of christian nobel prize winners. I thought he blew things way out of proportion. I wish there was one correlating factor for anything in life, but there is not. Let's face it, that guy was a funny hate monger. I wanted to also point out the way faith ruined the genome project. Like how it finished before the deadline and under budget under Francis S. Collins. He is a scientist who believe in God and wrote a book. Just things to think about.
2 Responses to "Neil deGrassa Tyson"
November 4, 2007 at 4:46 PM
hola, que lastima que el idioma nos separe.
desde chile
November 7, 2007 at 8:54 PM
I just want to note that fact that he said nothing of christian nobel prize winners. I thought he blew things way out of proportion. I wish there was one correlating factor for anything in life, but there is not. Let's face it, that guy was a funny hate monger. I wanted to also point out the way faith ruined the genome project. Like how it finished before the deadline and under budget under Francis S. Collins. He is a scientist who believe in God and wrote a book. Just things to think about.
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