Dinosaurs are a Myth!!

So, there has been a little bit of talk about evolution here recently, which in a blog like this isn't surprising, and this caught my attention. That link is to Tiny Frog, where he does a short summary of this essay. Which, is quite long so read it at your own risk. But I guess basically the guy is saying that Dinosaurs are part of a giant hoax by ALL paleontologist to lead the world away from God. Apparently all the bones and bone fragments we've found are put together from a hodgepodge of other animal bones. (never mind the unique skulls/claws/various other bones we've found)

So if it seemed quite queer to you that man all of the sudden started finding bones in the ground this would be a read for you. I'll file this under, Bat Shit Crazy Christians

p.s. isn't that a sweet dinosaur picture

8 Responses to "Dinosaurs are a Myth!!"

Nathan says
October 11, 2007 at 6:32 PM

Please note that not all Christians think that, in fact very little. That is all.

Jeph Porter says
October 17, 2007 at 11:19 AM

Sorry Nathan, you're absolutely right.

To be fair to the lot of Christians out there who aren't bat shit crazy let's call people like Mr. Dinosaurs aren't real "Bat Shit Crazy Christian Zealots Who Don't Necessarily Make Up The Majority Of Christians" or BSCCZWDNMUTMOC. That's a reasonable acronym I think.

Fuck...let's just call them idiots, because no matter what you believe an idiot is an idiot.

Unknown says
May 21, 2011 at 12:34 AM

Not only christians question the existence of so called "dinosaurs".

Watzupdoc? says
May 27, 2011 at 8:28 PM

we cant find remains of a crow that dies a week ago; or even humans trapped in recent disasters. but, dinosaur bones survived millions of years despite all the natural cataclysms and rise and fall of innumerable civilizations and even the great continental drift, just to turn up at the surface for Mr. John Smith to find?

Jeph Porter says
May 27, 2011 at 8:38 PM

Guys, it's been years since I posted this diddy - but I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this subject. Can you point me to any resources about your claims?

Unknown says
March 4, 2013 at 12:03 AM

I can surely claim that dynasaurs are a myth and also can challenge every fossil expert.

Unknown says
March 4, 2013 at 12:14 AM

If you r currently following this post then just ask me how u claim that. I will explain u in detail.

Vespasian76 says
September 2, 2013 at 4:50 PM

Two Questions:

1. How did Dinosaurs mate?

2. How did their bones support their tremendous weight?

Both questions are ultimately about their weight, and how they supported it. Being as large as Scientists claim they were, their bones would have to be made of very different materials than the ones they are currently displaying in museums. Just research it yourself.