God and the Environment

NPR had an article today about a community in the Philippines and how they reacted after a typhoon. This article also talks about a pro environment view that is coming up in an unusual place, the church. It is not that unusual to me, I have been taught the idea of stewardship of the earth while at a small Christian college, but some may be surprised that not all Christians are trying to tear down the world to put up a mega-church. here is a taste

In Genesis, God gives man dominion over the earth. Jovic says many Christians have interpreted that to mean people can use the earth in any way they like. He says people in the Philippines have abused their power less than the residents of many other countries but that, even so, they need to do more for the earth. And he sees signs that it's happening."


Jeph Porter says
October 17, 2007 at 11:17 AM


That's an important word. And I think weather you get your motive for it from God or from some other force within you or without of you it is important.